Why A Publication Mattered!

Change is coming and we are all part of it.

3 min readJan 1, 2021
Photo by Charlie Firth on Unsplash

We exist for a reason, but our essence drives the reason we exist.

The journey is never long if we decide that our path to leading a fulfilling life lies in assimilating our existence, which contains all the flaws and the strengths that define us. Existence has never been in our hands. We were born to be, but it is this reason that takes us on a journey to identify what we are as an individual. The meaning of ‘being’ runs far more in-depth and is never an accumulation of all the gathered experiences.

Where is the deeper connection and what is the source of it?

The question precedes a formative understanding of subscribed learning-driven deep by the essentials of what drives us to be human leading into being humane. Essentially, I would have subscribed it to be the other way around wherein being humane was the core centre of the flux, but that means identifying what drives humanness. The answer is simple, oneself, but ‘the being’, is a journey into identifying oneself.

A little more than a decade ago, as I transgressed across the learnings of leadership along with the methods, frameworks and structures that were there to help me, I realised that uniformity of an all encapsulating structure that tidied my descriptive self was amiss. There was nothing wrong with them, but I always felt incomplete. The sense of being incomplete was never driven by what I learnt or was exposed to. It had a deeper link to seeing a balanced sense of self for me.

The discovery of The ThinkStack©️ gave a sense of realisation of being as it allowed one to understand the flux of their being. The understanding of ones being allows for greater flexibility and control on the essence of being.

Over the last decade as part of my professional endeavour, I have coached organisations, leaders, teams and people who wanted to establish greater control of their being. Helping them understand the flux of being in the metaphysical, emotional, rational and logical planes is a hugely satisfying journey. It also gave birth to the UNITY©️ coaching framework.

We strive for a better us. Even in our deepest, darkest hour, there is a deep sense of realisation that a better version gets created that helps us authenticate our being.

The publication is about better; be better (cleverly moved being from there). Over time, dedicated columnists will add to the facets of the metaphysical, emotional, rational and logical planes of our mind construct; the construct of The ThinkStack©️. As you flip through the publication’s articles, you will unearth facets of yourselves that answer the puzzles of understanding your mindset. It is one of many moves to ‘Be Better’.

Essentially, a journey of discovery, that leads you to explore. Happy being; be better. Here is to a better you.




Writer, Poet, Business Leader, Transformation Coach, Culture Flux Designer, Creator , Innoventurer, Curator of Minds. Cognitive Specialist and Life Learner.